Index Abbreviations Technical Credits Author Updates Sitemap


I made this page to recognise those who have contributed or inspired Abstruse Ushering of Triplanetary Gallicinium. I intend on including credits within each video I make, but I want to

I want to first thank ZUN for creating Touhou Project and Luke Nichter for uploading the first three chronologies of the Nixon White House Tapes. My storyline is a Touhou Project fan-work, and several aspects of the storyline are drawn from the Nixon White House Tapes. Without either person, this series would not exist.

I want to thank Toninho and Umisaki for giving feedback on my 13 May 1970 script as I was working through each scene alongside receiving my ideas. I appreciate your feedback; you improved my initial script! I want to also thank GreatSocieties, ObamaGarak, MercStreichBack, and HatimaTuray for commenting on my script as well before I unveiled my project publicly. Thank you all for being great friends in general!

I do my best to catalogue each musician whose track I utilised within my works at the end of each video, but I am restricted to only using English characters within a video. To honour each track's and musician's proper name, I compiled a list of tracks below:

NameArranger [Original Composer]Heard in
牛に引かれて善光寺参りZUN13 May 1970,
花映塚 ~ after Higan RetourZUN13 May 1970,
Spiralling ThoughtsMatriumix, [ZUN]13 May 1970,
天衣無縫 ~ Yellow LilyU2 Akiyama13 May 1970,
春の湊にを紅魔郷風に。【東方再翻訳】Boga [ZUN]13 May 1970,
Alternative Taketori Hishou ~ Lunatic Princess [LoLK Mix]Orphen Nightford [ZUN]13 May 1970,
Alternative Imperishable Night ~ Eiyashou ~ Eastern Night [LoLK Mix]Williatico [ZUN]13 May 1970,
竹取飛翔 ~ Lunatic PrincessMinoru Amino under ALTERNATIVE13 May 1970,
Stairway to the MoonMatriumix13 May 1970,
Voyage 1969 ~ Beast Mix [WBaWC Style Arrangement]Nexus131413 May 1970,
【東方風アレンジ】妖怪宇宙旅行椿木の箱庭13 May 1970,
シンデレラケージ ~ Kagome-Kagome絃奏水琴樂章 [ZUN]13 May 1970,
[Travelogue of 47 Days] – Voyage 1970 (Track #22)Eikishiki Yamaxanadu [ZUN]13 May 1970,
東方妖々夢 ~ Ancient TempleZUN13 May 1970,
【東方風アレンジ】LA FEMME CHINOISE(Version 2)【蓬莱人形+伊弉諾物質風アレンジ】もえぎ [Yellow Magic Orchestra]13 May 1970,
【東方アレンジ】千年幻想郷~History of the Moon-remix平茸 [ZUN]13 May 1970,
業火マントル宇佐見化々 [ZUN]13 May 1970,
アガルタの風ZUN13 May 1970,
バー・オールドアダムZUN13 May 1970,