Index Abbreviations Technical Credits Author Updates Sitemap


This webpage serves as a record of updates I made to the website. Dates are listed in the Day Month Year format. Work done before every directory was unveiled is sparse due to the initial construction's rapid nature.

21 May 2024

Website created by accident. Website declared "Under Construction".

24 May 2024

Index Page updated to wip.html. True Index Page layout established.

29 May 2024

True Index Page thumbnails completed. Work on each directory commenced.

4 June 2024

Nixon Administration Power Reel directory unveiled.

7 June 2024

Wayward Apollo Log directory unveiled shortly before the website became fully accessible!

9 June 2024

Credit page updated in accordance to update within 13 May 1970 Reel. Nekoweb tags added.

24 June 2024

Fixed title to Wayward Apollo Log Progress Page. Updated site-map to include the main index page. Updated the 404 Error page's archive website priority and message. Adjusted the alignment in the Author MSPainting.

11 July 2024

Updated 404 Error page to include a hyperlink to the video for Brave Browser users.

11 August 2024

Updated Main, List, and Head width from 66% to 75%. Nekoweb sitebox was previously customised to reflect table style. Updated Temporary Page style.

13 August 2024

Fixed redundant wording on the Nixon Administration Power Reel Subject Page.