Welcome to Banal Archive! As the name suggests, this section of the website pertains to reference material that applies to both Nixon Administration Power Reel and Wayward Apollo Log. Both Nixon Administration Power Reel and Wayward Apollo Log are a part of the same storyline, Abstruse Ushering of Triplanetary Gallicinium. In turn, Abstruse Ushering of Triplanetary Gallicinium is a Touhou Project Alternate History focused heavily on the Apollo-Lunar War. Although political subjects will inevitably be mentioned within the storyline, they arise from the politics of yesteryear and fictional societies, not the politics of today and real societies. I only recommend tuning into either series if you are above the age of 12, lest you become confused or traumatised by the subject matters.
Since Abstruse Ushering of Triplanetary Gallicinium is still a Work-in-Progress, and will remain so for the forseeable future, each section of this website will get periodically updated or adjusted. For the time being, the abbreviations used within the dialogue of each Reel/Log can be found under "Abbreviations", technical information regarding this website and my current methodology towards making each video can be found under "Technical", attribution to those who have contributed to Abstruse Ushering of Triplanetary Gallicinium can be found under "Credits", information about myself can be found under "Author", the website's changelog can be found under "Updates", and a directory of the URLs within the absushotrigal subdomain can be found under "Sitemap". Nevertheless, thank you for accessing the website, and I hope you enjoy both Nixon Administration Power Reel and Wayward Apollo Log!